Tuesday 12 June 2012

Responsible Services of Alcohol Training- Beware of Scammers!


Clubs WA is proud of our reputation as a leader in the field of online training for Responsible Service of Alcohol across Australia and also the Course in Liquor Licensing here in WA. However, as is often the case when an industry group paves the way in developing a high professional level of training, there is always some fly-by- night organisations that swoop in to take advantage of unaware operators.

Clubs WA launched the online course in Responsible Service of Alcohol in 2009, a course developed by our organisation in consultation with our clubs and the hospitality industry. Through our training arm www.workbehindabar.com.au, we have trained over 20,000 through our online courses across WA, SA, NT, QLD, the ACT and TAS. Clubs WA credits this success to our personalised approach to training – we are there to support all students from the day they start the course - and throughout their hospitality career.


Although our training service is a profitable business for Clubs WA, it remains a major Member Service to our clubs and as such is heavily subsidised for all our member clubs. Clubs WA will continue to ensure that pricing of our courses remains viable to your club. In fact, over time, we have reduced the cost of obtaining an RSA Certificate from $100 down to $45 for our members.


Clubs WA has also successfully lobbied the government, on behalf of the club industry, to ensure that hospitality workers in clubs only need to complete their RSA to receive their Restricted Approved Manager ID card – a saving of $200 per Approved Manager!

This was a major win for the Club Movement and one that would not have been possible without the efforts of Clubs WA. There was not a moment’s hesitation in securing these significant savings for our clubs, despite the huge loss in revenue as a result.

From time to time, your club may be approached by outside training operators, offering you a deal “too good to be true”. We encourage you to consider the following points when considering these deals:

1. Is the deal from a not for profit industry body or a commercial enterprise?
2. If the company offers you a monetary deal, will it be an instant benefit or one that will take
    place at a future time? How can you be confident you will get what is promised?
3. Who can you contact when you have a problem with the training your staff has conducted?
4. Will they call you back if you leave a message or email?
5. Does this company have dedicated industry personnel to help you with your training needs?
6. Will this company be there in 5 years when you need to access records of your past training?
7. Will the company be able to make significant changes when required (for example, providing
     assistance when the abridged RSA course was no longer valid)?
8. Will this company provide you with regular liquor compliance updates?
9. Will this company fight on your behalf to ensure your community club rights are protected?

Bob Can Fix It

We believe that the only organisation both willing and able to provide you with this level of service is our very own. We provide training to our clubs not only because it is an important member service – we also care about your training for the betterment of our industry. You are our shareholder, and that is why you will always have our support.

The Clubs WA Training team has considerable club industry experience and is committed to providing the best training outcome for you, your staff and volunteers. Every situation or workplace issue that you encounter – we have seen it or know of it and more importantly, know how best to deal with it.

Contact Bob on 1300 640 616 or
email training@clubswa.com.au for all your queries!

This article is an extract from the May 2012 Clubs WA Service Bulletin. Please visit our website for more information: http://www.clubswa.com.au/.

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